Use "pars|partes" in a sentence

1. Pars clavicularis; Pars sternocostalis; Pars Abdominalis

2. Canard Pars (カナード・パルス, Canard Pars?) is a character from Gundam SEED X Astray

3. Operatio super Partes exteriores ad Attractionem Alimenti

4. Metonymia (niet Berust op overeenkomst) pars pro toto

5. From these Programmed Airline Reservations System (PARS) was developed.

6. The pars intermedia of the hypophysis in Bactrian camel was narrow situated between the pars distalis and the pars nervosa, approximately 730 um in thickness, and composed of Basophil cells and many crevices with different sizes.

7. A Anastomose corresponde a uma conexão entre duas partes do corpo humano

8. 1: 2 Kings —Why Beneficial (si p. 74 pars.

9. — Partim, pars, or quidam often corresponds to Alius: principes partim interfecerant, alios in exsilium eiecerant, N.: nos alii ibimus Afros, pars Scythiam veniemus, V.

10. 1: Introduction to Numbers —Part 2 (si p. 31 pars.

11. 4: Rendering the Marriage Due (fy pp. 156-8 pars.

12. 1: Introduction to Isaiah (si pp. 118-19 pars.

13. (Pars. 16, 17; explain how he “will be with” evildoer.)

14. 1: Song of Solomon —Why Beneficial (si p. 117 pars.

15. Lumbar posterior Apophyseal ring separation (PARS) combined with disc herniation is uncommon

16. Ok, now, look at the contraction of the orbicularis oculi pars lateralis.

17. Ejemplo: Axiomas euclidianos: "el todo es igual a la suma de las partes

18. The pars intercerebralis suppresses (by a hormonal channel) the level of activity.

19. The oil refining companies of Pars Oil, Speedy, and Behran are based in Tehran.

20. 18 Without three pars, the balance sheet for the week would be bright red.

21. He Bogeyed the eighth hole, made a string of pars, and then Bogeyed Nos

22. The progression of lesions within astrocytes was divided into three phases. The early phase was characterized by viral entry and nucleolar segregation consisting of separation of the pars amorpha from the pars fibrosa which subsequently fragmented.

23. Las Bacterias son organismos procariotas unicelulares, que se encuentran en casi todas las partes de la Tierra

24. Added t.p.: Manuscriptorum codicum Bibliothecae regii Taurensis Athenaei, pars prima [-secunda] Text in double columns

25. Apostolica Sollicitudo dispone: <<Summus Pontifex, si ei placuerit, Auget numerum membrorum Synodi Episcoporum, addendo sive Episcopos, sive religiosos sodales qui partes agunt Institutorum Religiosorum, sive denique ecclesiasticos viros peritos, usque ad quindecim centesimas partes universi numeri membrorum, de quibus in nn.

26. Lily, William, 1468?-1522: Introduction of the eyght partes of speche (Excusum Londini : per Assignationem Francisci Floræ, M

27. : in duas partes divisus : cujus bibliothecae publicam faciet Auctionem Lugduni Batavorum, Johannes de Vivie, Bibliopola ad diem lunae 15

28. Pars hyemalis \-aestivalis! Breviarium Romanum cum Psalterio proprio et officiis sanctorum ad usum cleri Basilicae Vaticanae Clementis 10

29. In summitate sextae duas partes diametri pone, reliquum in novem divide, nona cum duabus diametri partibus Abjectis, oritur octava

30. List two things that have been proved by God’s permission of wickedness. [kl pp. 77-8 pars.

31. Being in the spiritual paradise does not depend upon our own conduct. [w88 9/15 p. 24 pars.

32. Vaso que lleva la sangre desde el corazón a las demás partes del cuerpo: Arteria coronaria

33. Maxima igitur quo ad partes propinquas potest imperfici dupliciter, scilicet a parte ante et a parte post, per Abstractionem tertie partis valoris cuiuslibet partis propinque vel alterius earumdem; et sic similiter quo ad partes remotas per Abstractionem tertie partis valoris cuiuslibet partis remote vel alterius earumdem et …

34. Nuestros automóviles Cuestan menos que si todas las partes fueran fabricadas y el trabajo realizado en un solo lugar

35. Des dichotomies conflictuelles parsèment notre domaine, opposant l’autonomie et l’interdépendance, l’individualisme et le Collectivisme

36. Partes, alternativamente en México o en Cuba, en fechas que se Consideren oportunas y tendrá las siguientes atribuciones

37. Today, Astronomiae Pars Optica is generally recognized as the foundation of modern optics (though the law of refraction is conspicuously absent).

38. Via the venules of the tympanal wall, the wall of modiolus and the Pars ossea of the Lamina spiralis.

39. Pathological deposits in the vitreous accumulate at its lower base in the way of lays right above the pars plana.

40. These observations formed the basis of his explorations of the laws of optics that would culminate in Astronomiae Pars Optica.

41. Tractatus de punctorum, vocalium, et accentuum, in libri Veteris Testamenti Hebraicis, origine, antiquitate, et Authoritate(SENDREY 1964) Pars I, cap

42. The tympanic Annulus is formed by a fibrocartilaginous thickening of the edge of the pars tensa and has a horseshoe-shaped configuration.

43. Por la historia del ballet han pasado muchas Bailarinas y bailarines, de todas las edades, así como de todas partes del mundo

44. Bohemia Bohemia is the largest part of the Czech Republic and is sometimes used pars pro toto for the entire country

45. The middle region of the Anuran oviduct is the pars convoluta, which secretes the highly viscous jelly layers onto the eggs

46. 30 Results 50 patients underwent this operation and had a very good rejuvenescent facelift effect of pars buccalis, lower mandible and labial commissure.

47. The tympanic Annulus is the thickened edge of the pars tensa of the tympanic membrane, anchoring it in the tympanic sulcus 3.

48. In fact, the above-mentioned small ceramic kiln Up to now the excavations have only been carried out "pars rustica" of the villa.

49. Although Couching is nowadays routinely practiced only in remote areas, [citation needed] it was a precursor to modern cataract surgery and pars plana vitrectomy.

50. If the bar codes do not actually contain the inscription PARS, the acronym may be printed either above the bars or under the number.

51. Si los Abuelos van a estar con los nietos, lo ideal es que haya un acuerdo entre las partes, para el bien del niño y …

52. Axiomas figuran, por ejemplo, «dos cosas iguales a una tercera son iguales entre sí» y «el todo es mayor que una de sus partes»

53. If a PARS shipment is referred and customs requires a copy of the related invoice/bill of lading, the carrier must provide this documentation upon request before release.

54. The measurements of the cranial bones of 138 human fetuses (ala parva, ala magna, corpus ossis sphenoidalis, pars petrosa et mastoidea, pars basilaris, pars lateralis ossis occipitalis) originating from stillborn fetuses or new-born infants who died a few hours after birth were determined. The length of the fetuses varied between 9 and 55 cm. There were 71 male and 67 female fetuses. The regression equation, the correlation coefficients (r) as well as the significant (S) of the correlation coefficients concerning the cranial measurements to the body length were determined.

55. Six different types of secretory cells were identified by light and electron microscopy in the adenohypophyseal pars distalis of yearling coho salmon acclimated to fresh or salt water.

56. For non-automated ports, refer to process in Section A. Unlike the multi-page cargo control document outlined above, the PARS process only requires one label per shipment.

57. Barbarismus est una pars orationis vitiosa in communi sermone; in poemate metaplasmus, itemque in nostra loquella Barbarismus, in peregrina barbarolexis dicitur, ut siquis dicat mastruga cateia magalia.

58. Aorta Abdominalis, pars Abdominalis aortae: MeSH: D001012: TA98: A12.2.12.001: TA2: 4205: FMA: 3789: Anatomical terminology [edit on Wikidata] The abdominal aorta is the largest artery in the abdominal cavity

59. Six secretory cell types (prolactin-, ACTH-, somatotropin- (STH-), TSH-, and two presumptive gonadotropin- (GTH-) secreting cells) were identified in light or electron microscope preparations of goldfish pars distalis.

60. El juez citará a las partes a una junta Conciliatoria, señalando día y hora para que se verifique dentro del término de ocho días

61. Antes de realizar los actos juridicos sobre la reduccion a uso profano y enajenacion del edificio, se debera estudiar que hacer y como comportarse con la decoracion y mobiliario religioso (sobre todo las partes fijas: altares, Ambones, vidrieras, etc.).

62. Durante el mandato del emperador Justiniano (527 a.C), el Imperio Bizantino ocupaba partes de lo que hoy es África, Egipto, España, Italia, Turquía, Croacia, Asia Menor y otros territorios.

63. He had Bogeyed the 12th to fall back to level par and then recorded five consecutive pars to slip outside the projected top 70 as he stepped to the 18th tee

64. Fue genial en la cama, pero era un desastre; me Asqueal el pelo de mujer, cuando lo veo en el suelo me cabreo, y Naomi solía dejarlos por todas partes", aseguró.

65. Ut enim pulchritudo corporis apta compositione membrorum movet oculos et delectat hoc ipso, quod inter se omnes partes cum quodam lepore consentiunt, sic hoc decorum, quod elucet in vita, movet Approbationem eorum, quibuscum vivitur, ordine et …

66. Objective To improve the cutis laxa and pendulous skin of the pars buccalis,[sentence dictionary] lower mandible and labial commissure through the suspension of SMAS with small incision in the front of antilobium.

67. Estos Alicates, que en ciertas partes del continente americano también se conocen como hombresolo o pinzas perras, no tienen el típico diseño de las pinzas, que cuentan con dos mangos iguales.

68. After primary wound closure and antibiotic treatment for 1 week, increasing cell infiltration and amaurosis developed, and a lensectomy, pars plana vitrectomy, and extraction of the 17x7x7-mm encapsulated IOFB via a scleral tunnel was indicated.

69. A law may be Abrogated or only derogated from; it is Abrogated when it is totally annulled; it is derogated from when only a part is Abrogated: derogatur legi, cum pars detrahitur; abrogatur legi, cum prorsus tollitur.

70. Pars ascendens Aortae [TA] ascending part of aorta: the proximal portion of the aorta, arising from the left ventricle, and giving origin to the right and left coronary arteries before continuing as the arch of the aorta

71. In both cases, Orwell is discussing class distinctions and class prejudice, so pronouncing the Aitches is presumably a pars pro toto for a larger sociolect belonging to a particular class (and to non-linguistic class distinctions as well)

72. Imo non ita, ago, nam qui nugas defendunt sunt Jesuitis similes, Ego sum Lutheranus astrologus qui nugis Abjectis retineo nucleum." 5 See the divisions of astronomy given in the preamble of "Astronomiae Pars Optica", Gesam- melte Werke, Vol

73. Alembicus sive Alembicum (a nomine Arabico الإنبيق al-inbīq, a Graeco ὁ ἄμβῑξ, -ῑκος, lagoenae species), quod etiam "capitellum" sive "galea" appellatur, proprie dicitur ea pars instrumenti destillationis quae in modum operculi cucurbitae imponitur, in tubulum exiens …

74. ‘A Curette is used to remove the superficial layer of the lesion.’ ‘Excess cement is removed with a Curette by the surgeon and first assistant.’ ‘The superior exostoses can extend deep to the pars flaccida and is best removed with a Curette.’

75. Quod impossibile sit internam nidi Conformationem plene repræsentare, ni execta sit pars aliqua ut inspiciantur cellulæ, ideo in tabula duæ proponuntur figuræ, quarum una nidum externum ostendit; altera r per globos omnes concentricos nidum totum aperit sectione recta longi­tudinali.

76. El Adherente agrícola Mexclater, tiene las siguientes propiedades: SURFACTANTE – Adherente: El producto actúa como pegante, y ayuda la fijación del agroquímico sobre partes de la planta, evitando el lavado por las lluvias, por viento y evaporación por el sol.

77. actualmente cuenta con una línea de 31 diferentes aceites esenciales y 5 mezclas; nuestra materia prima viene de diferentes partes del mundo donde las plantaciones son las más aptas y donde los aceites esenciales se cosechan bajo altos estándares de calidad

78. Business Alliance for Secure Commerce (Basc) Es una certificación que promueve el comercio seguro a través de un sistema de gestión en control y seguridad en la cadena de suministro (todas las partes involucradas desde producción hasta la entrega a cliente)

79. Compositional Semantic Parsing on Semi-Structured Tables Panupong Pasupat Computer Science Department Stanford University [email protected] Percy Liang Computer Science Department Stanford University [email protected] Abstract Two important aspects of semantic pars-ing for question answering are the breadth of the knowledge source

80. In the 2nd half of the cycle, during pregnancy, during antiovulatory treatment and in postmenopausal period, the endosalpingeal epithelium of pars of uterina, isthmus, ampulla and infundibulum is characterized by proliferative quiescence (i.e. lack of mitoses, a small quantity of nuclei, a simple epithelium).